In Print: Le Monde
South America's oldest Indigenous Museum
Texte Nicolas Bourcier
Images Kim Badawi
Translation << The building know as Aldeia Maracanã ( Maracanã Village) is destined to be demolished as part of preparations for the upcoming World Cup to make way for a parking lot and food stands for the nearby Maracana football stadium. Rio's former indigenous museum, built in 1862, has been occupied by indigenous groups as well as activists who have tried for the past 6 years to turn into a community center.
After various attempts by the the Brazilian riot police to evacuate the occupants and the intervention of various celebrities, social, political and human rights groups, to save the antique building.
A l'ombre du Maracanã
Texte Nicolas Bourcier
Images Kim Badawi
Le symbole est presque trop lourd. A quelques mètres du célèbre stade Maracanã de Rio où se jouera la finale du Mondial 2014, se dresse une bâtisse défraîchie. La plus ancienne maison consacrée aux Indiens d'Amérique du Sud. Pour la sauver de la démolition et des appétits immobiliers, les « indigènes » se mobilisent depuis sept ans. Transformant leur lutte en un laboratoire de la contestation sociale au Brésil.
Au coeur de Rio de Janeiro, chauffé à blanc par un soleil de braise, l'endroit tient de la forteresse assiégée et du bunker. Les grillages sont hauts et les unités spéciales de la police
The Occupation of Aldeia Maracanã :
South America's oldest Indigenous Museum
The building know as Aldeia Maracanã ( Maracanã Village) is destined to be demolished as part of preparations for the upcoming World Cup to make way for a parking lot and food stands for the nearby Maracana football stadium. Rio's former indigenous museum, built in 1862, has been occupied by indigenous groups as well as activists who have tried for the past 6 years to turn into a community center.
After various attempts by the the Brazilian riot police to evacuate the occupants and the intervention of various celebrities, social, political and human rights groups, to save the antique building.